Barbecue Sauce Recipe |
The barbecue began in the American context during the late 1800's cattle drives in the West. The cowhands usually had low quality cuts of beef that had to be preserved over long periods of time of . . .
Tips to Buying Food Online |
Did you know that you could buy food online? I was amazed when I discovered this fact. There are hundreds of different food websites on the internet, all of which offer great deals and promotions. . .
Essential Glassware You Must Know As A Bartender! |
As a bartender, it's essential to serve drinks in the correct glassware. The whole essence and experience of a drink is in the quality and style of the glass it's served in.Would a nice cognac real. . .
The Easy Bake Oven Grows Up |
Do you remember the Easy Bake Oven of the 70s? My oldest sister had one. I used to gaze longingly as she brought out her Oven, stirred the mix, popped the little pan into the Oven and ceremoniousl. . .
The Power of the Meal |
Since the beginning of time one aspect of human social experience has stood out as the ‘place to be’ for communication and family bonding: the meal. In contemporary human life the evening dinner is. . .
Turn Your Love of Chocolate from a Secret Pleasure to a Fun Social Event |
Larry FriedlanChocolate isn’t a Food, but an ExperienceFew words evoke the emotional enthusiasm people feel toward chocolate. It has a treasured place in our personal collection of memories - the E. . .
The World's Best Pickles |
I knew they were the world’s best pickles the moment I tasted one. That first taste took place around 1950, and I’ve tasted a lot of pickles since, am a pickle hound in fact, but I’ve never come . . .
Chocolate Is Good for You! |
Great news on the chocolate front! Chocolate is good for you. Under certain circumstances. Katherine Tallmadge, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, says, in the February 9, 2005,. . .
Vegetarian Gourmet----Meatless Makeovers |
Three years ago I decided to go "meatless." It wasn't a difficult decision as I wasn't a voracious carnivore to begin with, however there were a few dishes that I missed that contained meat and wo. . .
Old-Fashioned Tomatoes |
Raw vegetables are dangerous and must be thoroughly fried, steamed, and boiled into submission. So thought our ancestors. The original sin of a recalcitrant vegetable was of course lessened by h. . .