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The History of Chocolate is a Record with Centuries of Appreciation
The history of chocolate doesn't mention the delicious confectionery's source until the ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures came upon and recognized the value of the cacao plant. Chocolate makers used. . .

What wine really is (just in case you thought you knew)
Although millions of people across the globe enjoy wine, very few of them know exactly what it is about a particular wine that they enjoy. By understanding each of the different components of wine,. . .

Best Recipes: Merry Cherry Milkshake
Cherry lovers! Here’s a quick and easy milkshake just for you.½ cup milk½ cup whipped cream2 tablespoons cherry juice½ cup iceDirectionsCombine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. . . .

Best Cookies: Sweet Potato Spice Bars
If you love sweet potato pie and candied yams, you’ll rave over these sweet potato cookie bars.Each bite contains golden raisins, spices, and sweet potatoes, topped off with rich cream cheese. Comf. . . Presents Online Audio Interview with William Brennan, Senior Water Portfolio Man...
“As a sector performance water has consistently outperformed every sector in the stock market over the last 15 years.”POINT ROBERTS, Wash., August 17th, 2005 – (WS), an investo. . .

Best Cookies: Chocolate Butter Cookies
Butter cookies are basic, easy-to-make cookies that can be shaped and decorated in many colorful ways.Chocolate and almond flavoring add a deliciously elegant taste to our traditional butter cookie. . .

Best Cookies: Double Delicious Cookie Bars
Chocolate chip cookies are good, but there’s something irresistible about the taste of chocolate, combined with old-fashioned graham crackers, that keeps our lips smacking. Add peanut butter chips . . .

Soul Food
The history of American soul food can be traced all the way back to the days of slavery. More often times than not, the slaves were given the most undesirable part of the meal, the leftovers from . . .

Are you in search of the best sourced help pertaining to beer.
When you're seeking high-class advice about beer, it will be intricate separating quality information from ill-advised beer submissions and proposals so it's best to know ways of moderating the inf. . .

Italian Cuisine: A Trip to the Island of Sardinia
The island of Sardinia perhaps most quickly conjures up the idea of sardines. A small island off of the western coast of Italy, it certainly incorporates seafood in to much of its regional cuisine.. . .


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