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Got Sprouts?
They're not only good for you, but they taste good, too. Sprouts are also a great source of vitamins, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, andenzymes. A sprout is produced when a seed starts growing into. . .

To Fry Or Not To Fry?
Here's a little known factoid - did you know that KFC changed its image by retiring the slogan Kentucky FRIED Chicken. Instead, they became known as serving up Kitchen Fresh Chicken. Long are the d. . .

Budgets And Eating - Can They Co-Exist?
Whatever your reason for having a tight budget, the truth is that going to the grocery store without a plan is a BIG budget breaker. And sadly all that cash ends up vanishing into our stomachs and . . .

American Fast Food Restaurants
As a staple of life our need to eat has developed from a basic form of simply feeding our bodies with the fuel it requires, to a complicated art of presentation and taste combined with our intrinsi. . .

Boxty (Irish Griddle Cakes)
Being of the Irish persuasion, I offer this great recipe for Boxty. Boxty is a traditional Irish dish, and has been around for many a year. I especially like this dish with butter and a dollop of. . .

How to Eat Healthy While Dining Out
When faced with a menu it can be difficult to know if you are making a healthy decision, or if the food you order will head straight for your waistline! Read the following tips on how to eat health. . .

Atkins Diet - Learn More
The Atkins diet can be boring because of the limited choice and some believe it can be dangerous. Get a physical to make sure you can tolerate the diet and inform the doctor about your decision to . . .

Espresso Makers: Depending on Your Need, There's an Espresso Maker for You
Since Starbucks first went International in the early 1990s, espresso has been the number-one item on the minds of those who need a quick pick-me-up to get their day started. It started out as a fa. . .

Veganism: Not As Intimidating As You Thought
To some people, the phrase "Vegan Cuisine" sounds like an oxymoron. To others, it sounds like the road of a hardcore food nutritionist. "Scary," was the word used by my roommate when I announced I . . .

Vegetarian Cuisine
Rabbit food. That’s what my dad calls vegetarian cooking and cuisine. Salads and vegetables – can’t be anything more to it, can there? Oh, but there is. Vegetarian cooking is at least as varied as . . .


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