The Youth Sports Coach |
Coaching youth sports is a challenge. Most of our kids are really happy to have us step up to the plate and coach and, despite the time we give up, most parents find the experience equally rewardin. . .
How Children Respond to Parents' Anger: Understanding the Brain and Behavior |
Brain research has given us a new understanding of why children behave the way they do. This article looks at how the brain affects children's behaviors when they think their parents are angry and. . .
SMS Daycare |
. By Robert Lett.11/04Find out more of what it's all about: www.robertlett.com/whatisit5.htm Using the Physical World as a Game Board. This is not Kinky Day Care! SMS stands for Short M. . .
Filmmaker Visits Classroom |
Tuesday, July 26th was a special day for the youngsters at the Los Angeles pre-school when they found out that Shervin Youssefian (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1352346/) would come and speak to the w. . .
Causes and effects of acne – understand your acne treatment |
There are several acne care treatment methods that work well and are not very time consuming or expensive. Such techniques would be the treatment with alpha hydroxy acid or several forms of chemica. . .
Kids & Cell Phones |
. By Robert Lett. 03-04Find out more of what it's all about: www.robertlett.com/whatisit5.htm Is it safety? Is it security? Or is it just cool? Have you ever noticed how many kiosks have. . .
Art for your Health |
1. Art is a healthy form of expressionWhether you are angry, sad, depressed, cheerful - there really is no better way to express yourself than through art. Because art is permanent, it allows you t. . .
How to Get Your Blog Noticed Quickly and Widely |
by Greg White1. Submit your blog to all of the directories listed on http://pingomatic.com/. Pingomatic will ping 15 services all at once.2. Ping your blog after every post at http://ping. . .
Why Should College Students Care About Their Credit Score? |
Students are increasingly worried about credit and credit scores - and for good reason. Student debts are rising and the numbers of students who leave school with ruined credit scores is rising as. . .
Personal tracking devices in cell phones? |
Cell phones have come a long way – regardless of whether you’re a business person or stay-at-home mom, having a cell phone with you is no longer a privilege – it’s a NECESSITY. In this modern techn. . .