Antique Porcelain Doll |
There’s a special place in the world of antiques for antique porcelain dolls. Works of art in miniature, antique porcelain dolls are a portrayal of fashion and self-concept for the age they were cr. . .
Fun Dates at Low Cost! |
Yippee! She said yes! The girl you’ve been trying to ask out for the past couple of months just agreed to go out with you. However, you have one small problem. Fresh out of college and just startin. . .
KIDS NEED GOALS project arrives in Slovakia |
Helping hands use their Feet:KIDS NEED GOALS project arrives in SlovakiaSaturday 11th of June was “Kids Need Goals” day, sponsored by Time4sharing.org, the timeshare charity that creates ‘fun day. . .
"Have You Seen My Independence Day" |
"Have You Seen My Independence Day ?" 4th of July, 2005 By, Steven MontesHave you seen my Independence Day? I don’t know that I did with it. The last time I had . . .
What you need to know about – Disney world |
Have you ever marveled how will an evening be when you are dining with some of the interminably beloved stars (of young and the old) in the cosmos—Mickey Mouse, Alice, Uncle Scrooz, to name a few. . . .
Coaching Youth Sports |
is a challenge. Most of our kids are really happy to have us step up to the plate and coach and, despite the time we give up, most parents find the experience equally rewarding. However, there are. . .
Novelty Contact Lenses Are Fun If Used Safely |
It must be Halloween or you are in a play if you are thinking about buying novelty contact lenses. Quite a few of the special effects that are shown in the movies are done with these special costu. . .
Soul Mate: Dating partner, love partner and close to heart |
Descriptive Summary: The word Soul Mate invented rather created for a person who is very close to you, your counterpart, your love partner, some one who is very special to you, very important in yo. . .
Pressure in Youth Sports |
Pressure is part of all sports and its impact in youth sports is something we need to carefully evaluate. The spotlight is brightest in baseball; there is simply no place to hide. For the pitcher, . . .
KidzWorxx Craft Kit |
KidzWorxx Foam Craft KitMy son is 4 and loves crafts. When I received the KidzWorxx frame and craft kit in the mail I thought he would really enjoy it.The selection we were sent was a Ladybug desi. . .