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Business Goal Setting
How many times have your decided to set a goal for your businessand set it aside because the task seemed too huge or difficultto begin? I have seen this happen over and over so I decided towrite an. . .

Customer Service Warning—What to Watch for That Indicate We Have a Customer Service Problem
Do you frequently hear that customers are unhappy about something, and sometimes they are downright frustrated.Yet, what you hear from your employees is, “Stupid customers! They just don’t understa. . .

Coupons Shopping
TheMall123 is a rebate and discount web portal exploring new avenues in web rebating. Get free coupons, free e-mail gifts and freebies from TheMall123. Free subscription to the TheMall123 online n. . .

Business Meeting Etiquette
What makes up proper business meeting etiquette? How do you havea meeting everyone can leave feeling good about? Meetings havebecome an inevitable part of doing business for almost everybusiness ow. . .

Free eBook-Full resale and giveaway rights with this eBook.
Full resale and giveaway rights with this eBook. Subscribers and Customers will be delighted at receiving a free money making ebook that they can sell and resell at thier discresion.What is require. . .

The Right Projector Screen Can Save You Money
At we concentrate very much on lcd projectors, so why am I writing about projector screens? Quite simple really. Buying your lcd projector in isolation from the screen withou. . .

Use An MRD To Control Your Outsourcing
Is your software development process as unpredictable as the weather? Is your software casting a shadow causing six more weeks of programming? Are you using a marketing requirements document (MRD) . . .

Why Six Sigma Will Work In Service Environments
Although Six Sigma has its roots in manufacturing, it works just as effectively in service industries. It's no secret that service environments, such as financial organizations, healthcare provider. . .

10 Dynamic Traits of Over-Achievers
Are you a successful over-achiever? Considerable research has been done about the characteristics that typify the successful business owner. Most experts who have studied the subject tend to agree . . .

How to Determine the Quality of a Diamond
When it comes to diamonds, size doesn't always matter. You may have one that is the size of a hen's egg, that's not worth as much as one that's the size of a dime. This is all due to the four Cs . . .


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