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How To Become An Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur is a person who organizes, operates, and assumesthe risk for a business venture. Below you will find the TopWebsites if you are considering how to become an entrepreneur orstarting . . .

Copyright 2005 Judy Thompson In today’s world of high-speed internet, fast-foods, and super efficiency, the home-based business market is growing by leaps and bounds. While there are many types of. . .

How To Make A Million Dollars
The brainiacs at Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine just posted some good advice from millionaires on what it takes to become one.The stories of the nine people featured are worth reading and ha. . .

A Critical Review of Metastock 8.0: Is Upgrading Worth the Money
If you are like many other traders, you have been eagerly waiting for the release of Metastock 8.0 for one reason, and one reason only, the reportedly redeveloped system tester. Metastock`s one maj. . .

How To Double Your Profits -- Peter's Way
Peter worked hard. Damned hard. All day he toiled to sell blueberry muffins. And they were special muffins with forty blubberies each. But he only sold so many. Everyday, he'd fight a losing battle. . .

10 Sure-Fire Steps to take the Fear out of Public Speaking
Do you "feel the fear" when asked to do some PublicSpeaking? Public Speaking is still one of our greatest fears and itturns grown men and women into nervous wrecks. The merethought of it turns our . . .

Motivation - Only YOU Can Do It!
The Internet Marketing and home based business boom has virtually drowned us in various programs and systems through which you can earn money by working from home. The problem with this is that man. . .

WARNING. Easy Journey Ahead
I am on my way to the quarterly status update with my Sales Manager. The last quarter has been terribly bad. We reached nowhere near the Sales target. Naturally, I am moving ahead with a great resi. . .

Teaching Large Companies To Think Like The Little Guys
Q: I am an executive at a large company and in our industry we are seeing a trend wherein smaller companies are gaining market share at an alarming rate. Our CEO believes the reason for this is tha. . .

Perceived Value Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Q: My partner and I are having a hard time coming up with what we feel is the perfect price for our new product. We know what competing products sell for, but we don't know if it's better to price . . .


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