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  Informative Articles

Next Forex Trading Online - 7 Reasons You Should!
Copyright 2005 Keith ThompsonForex trading online is a fast way to use your investment capital to it's fullest. The Forex markets offer distinct advantages to the small and large traders alike, making Forex currency trading in many ways preferable to other markets such as stocks, options or tradi. . .
Next Take Advantage of Free Internet Yellow Page Promotion For Your Local Columbus, Ohio Business
Internet Yellow Pages (IYPs) are one of the fastest-growing segments on the web. Did you know that 80% of purchases are made locally and the number of people using the internet is on the rise? These sites continues to grow in popularity. As a result, new Internet Yellow Page sites are regularly . . .
Next Joint Accountability: Another Key for Your Effectiveness
I once was part of a group of management professors who often taught in executive development seminars. Other non-management professors in the school ran these. Occasionally these non-management professors would approach someone else in the management group to express their concerns about our tea. . .
Next Transparency: A Key To Your Effectiveness
Last month I talked about the Skilled Facilitator principle of being curious. This month I want to talk about the complementary principle transparency. Transparency has recently become a popular topic in business as organizations seek to build (or rebuild) trust with customers, shareholders, and . . .
Next Being Genuinely Curious
Yesterday at the dinner table, my eleven-year-old daughter asked me, "Aren't there times when you absolutely know you're right and the other person is wrong?" She had a disagreement at school that day and believed that her view was the truth. I said, "I used to think I was always right and that o. . .
Next Ten Smart Ways To Sky-Rocket Your Profits
1. Use a "P.S." at the end of your ad copy. This is were you either want to repeat a strong benefit or use a strong close like a free bonus. 2. Publish a free ebook and give it away from your web site or in your e-zine. This will increase your traffic, sales and e-zine subscribers. 3. Create. . .
Next Ten Benefits Of Submitting Articles To E-Zines
1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to e-zines. You could includeyour name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box. 2. You will become known as an expert on the topics you write about. This will give you an. . .
Next Value-added Selling?
"Value-added." That word is used so much it has become a cliche in business circles. There may not be a business in the world that doesn't claim to be a "value-added" seller.The problem is that once a word or phrase becomes a cliche, it often loses it's original meaning. This is true with "value-. . .
Next When Being A Facilitator DOESN'T Help
I talked with a group of internal consultants last week - they felt they had to wear too many hats in their work. They had to be consultants, facilitators, coaches and trainers - sometimes in the same one-hour session. They weren't always sure what role to be in and they felt that all this role-s. . .
Next An Easy Money-Making Project
Here's an easy-to-do and quick money making project for you:My 18 year old son's been making about $80-$150 a week for 1 hour worth of work. If you put more into it you could probably do better, but he's involved in other things- so he does this just for extra money and pocket change:Amazon.com n. . .
Next Ten Qualities Of A Great Leader - Plus 1
Copyright 2005 So-lu'shunz Management ServicesGreat Leaders are optimists first and foremost. Their tendency is to interact according to Henry Ford's observation, "whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right." Because the buck must stop somewhere and because the dynamic of auth. . .
Next What Makes A Bargain -- Find Out And Sell More!
Everybody loves to buy a bargain. Stores and services go out of their way to come up with fresh bargains that will attract new customers and keep old customers coming back. Major corporations spend fortunes working to make every customer feel like they are getting a bargain. Perception is reality. . .
Next Learning from Voom
Voom was thought to be the company that would be able to compete with DirecTV and Echostar in satellite service. However, after a $650 million loss it became clear that the company needed more than technology. By looking inside the Voom Company, you can learn from their business mistakes to avoid. . .
Next Some Tips For The Safe Use of Cell Phones And Batteries
1. Increase the life span of your cell phone and battery by following the manufacturer’s directions for using the phone and charging the battery.2. Do not use incompatible cell phone batteries and chargers. Some Web sites and second-hand dealers, not associated with reputable manufacturers and c. . .
Next Improve Your Home Business With New Ideas
Generating new and fresh ideas is paramount to running a successful home business. Ideas are needed for developing, marketing and advertising your products or services, and used for resolving different problems you may encounter.Below are three ways for generating new ideas that can help improve . . .
Next Business Branding
Branding is very important to a business, whether it is an online or offline business. Your brand will be the first impression the public has of your business and could very well be the most important one. The goal in business branding is to give consumers a visual image of your company. Business. . .
Next E-currency Exchange Trading
I have searched high and low and tried MLM's such as Market America, Quixstar, Trek Alliance and Amway. The business idea works, however people need to sell products and build their downline to be successful. I hated the idea of trying to convince people that Market America, Quixstar and all th. . .
Next Small Business Debt Collection Law Cheat Sheet
In your small business debt collection laws will eventually become important, as your debt grows and some clients do not pay.To collect small business debts legally, you must first send a written notice that collections have begun, within five days of first contacting the debtor for collections (. . .
Next The Chief Cause of Business Failure & Success
Business rises and falls on leadership. According to business guru, Brian Tracy, "Leadership is the most important single factor in determining business success or failure in our competitive, turbulent, fast-moving economy." Still not convinced? Based on a study by Jessie Hagen of the US Bank, he. . .
Next Make Money On The Net
This is probably the most popular topic on the net, it’s how to make money while you are online.Can you believe that over 100 home business start in a single day? The number is actually hirer than that, as lots of home businesses start up without counting themselves with federal agencies. How do . . .

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