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Telephone - Description
A telephone is a device that translates one's speech into analog electrical signals, allowing them to engage in communication over extended distances. The word telephone is Greek for "far away voic. . .

Telecommunications - Description
Telecommunications is the transmission of analog voice signals, digital data, or other information between two points that are some distance away from each other. The word telecommunications also a. . .

Denso Cell Phone Accessories - For Your Phone
Accessorizing your cell phone is both easy and affordable with Denso cell phone accessories and among the extensive variety of accessories for you to review, there is bound to be something you want. . .

Getting Prospects To Return Your Phone Calls: Ten Tips That Will Improve Your Percentages
When you review your list of phone calls you have made to prospective clients, you note these initials, or similar codes, that you wrote beside numerous names every month: HCB (He'll call back) and. . .

A Guide To Buying A New Business Phone System
Buying a new business phone system is one of the most important purchases any business will ever make. The selection of a phone system can either bring a business closer to its customers and client. . .

Take advantage of internet phone calls (VOIP)
Voice Over IP (VOIP) is a relatively new technology. Voice Over IP allows people to leave behind the old and very traditional analogue phone networks and now adapt in favor of the very new and very. . .

High Definition – When?
High definition will inevitably become a widespread if not universal television broadcast format. However, it’s not yet clear when that will happen. So it’s also not yet clear when high definition . . .

How to Keep Your Postal Mail Private and Secure
Surreptious opening of most envelopes sent through the mail takes little effort and only minimal skill. Instructions are readily available on the Internet and in books such as "CIA Flaps and Seals . . .

The Real Benefits of VoIP
You may not have considered it but there are many benefits that businesses can achieve by utilising data networks to carry their voice traffic (VoIP). By marrying this voice traffic with data traf. . .

Thats right...FREE Technology!
In a recent survey by the Mercury Consulting Group it stated that some British boards had frozen ICT budgets because they were seeing insufficient evidence of a return from their investments (ROI).. . .


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