Tips For Turning CD Duplication Into A Profitable Side Business |
CD duplication has arrived in a big way. Teenagers are using cd burners to rip mp3s from their favorite artists. Companies use cd duplication to make backups of their software and documents. Federa. . .
6 Powerful Truths About SEO That You Don’t Know |
Everywhere you turn on the ‘net, you see something about search engine optimization. I’m convinced that 90f the information about SEO is regurgitated crap. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be the first to. . .
Burn CDs Without Burning Up Your Money |
Just a few years ago, the only people with access to CD duplication were professional musicians, record company conglomerates, and higher end recording studios. However, as technology increased and. . .
Microsoft Dynamics GP: Auto dealership implementation |
Microsoft Dynamics GP, or Microsoft Great Plains is very popular mid-market generic ERP. It can be used as ERP platform for multiple vertical markets. In this small article we’ll describe typical. . .
Are Color Laserjet Printers worth the money? |
The next printer you’ll want on your desk is a color laser printer. Forget those cheap outdated inkjet printers. They are cheap for one reason, to get you to buy ink. I’m not making that up. It. . .
What will Google do with $4 billion? |
Google is planning on floating another $4 billion in shares. The question then becomes, with reserves of over $2 billion, what does the company want with the extra cash? This article provides my . . .
Email Communication Is Dying. What's Next? |
Currently there are 3 main types of broadcast Internet messaging systems that you can use to deliver newsletters, e-zines and other informational materials to your customers.I'm not going to cover . . .
MP3 - a worldwide mania |
Who is the one who had never downloaded a song from the Internet? Although companies try to prohibit or simply prevent people from downloading, MP3 download is a reality: MP3 is there, at anyone's . . .
Microsoft Dynamics GP – remote support |
Microsoft Business Solutions Dynamics GP, NAV, AX, CRM, SL are new names for former Great Plains, Navision, Axapta, MS CRM, Solomon. In realization of “Project Green” Microsoft will be unifying cu. . .
We Can't Hear You |
FEMA, along with three other major operational agencies under the Department of Homeland Security, rely on shortwave radios for two-way communications in the field. In other words, they use HF radi. . .