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Home Security: Exterior and Interior Lighting

By Roger Overanout

Home Security Exterior and Interior Lighting

It is a well-known fact, that satisfactory lighting is a very valuable deterrent to crime. Whatever lighting might help reduce your risk of becoming a victim, the right lights, utilized properly will be the effective deterrent to burglars and other intruders and improve your home security.

Outside lights are critically important, especially near doorways and at the rear of your residence, where break-ins typically occur. All round security lighting that is set-up high out of reach, and is tamper proof, will greatly improve your home security and help to protect your home.

Lighting in carports and garages is critical. An automatic garage opener is the best choice. All the best garage door opener fitted today use a light that operates when the opener is activated, lighting the garage interior. In carports, it's best to leave a light on permanently, have a light on a timer, or use a motion sensor to activate the light.

It is best to use a motion detector on all exterior lights that are not left switched on. The principal benefit of this for home security, especially in the backyard, is that the light warns you that someone is in your yard. When there can be some problem that dogs, cats, or even birds will trigger off the sensor and cause the lights to come on, if you set the sensitivity of the sensor right this will not be a issue. In the front yard, any type of lighting will be efficient, but make sure that the lighting design covers the entire front and sides of the home. Sensors can be utilized however they will be prone to "false alarms" induced by things like people walking down the sidewalk, or also kids playing.

Whenever you go out for the evening, I suppose that like most people you leave a light on, the Police call these lights "burglar beacons". A burglar beacon is a single light that is left on so you do not return to a dark home when you get back.

Regrettably these lights are a sign for the burglar that you are out. When you go out for the evening or away on holiday make certain several lights are left on, in different parts of the home, and furthermore a radio, put them on timers, from the exterior your house should look as if someone is home at all times to improve your home security.

That's it for this time; in the next article we will look at sorting out the doors on your home.

Roger Overanout

About the author:
For more vital home security tips and information about how to protect your home and family please visit

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