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What is asbestos?

By Jeff Lakie

Asbestos is made up of six naturally occurring minerals that can be woven into fibers and are used in manufacturing and industrial applications because of its heat resistance. For example, brake pads can be made with asbestos.

If it appears in nature, is it dangerous to me?

Asbestos occurs in nature. Everyone breathes asbestos during the day, as part of the variety of things that make up the air we breathe, but it is a very, very small amount. As well, asbestos can appear in water, but again, in very, very small amounts. In small amounts it is not dangerous.

At greater levels though, it is more dangerous. It can either cause scar tissue to build up around the lungs and it has been found to be a carcinogen, potentially causing cancer if people are exposed to high levels of it.

What happens if I find asbestos near where I live?

If you think there is asbestos near where you live, it is best not to disturb it, since it is transmitted through the air. Rather than disturbing it, you should contact the Environmental Protection Agency.

About the author:
Jeff Lakie is the founder of Mesothelioma Resources a website providing information on mesothelioma

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