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The sexy new you

By andy casasanta

So youve decided to start working out or you have been seriously considering it. Well good for you. You have taken the first step to a journey that will get you a toned sexy body. What are the benefits of a strong body?

-Fabulous looks(much more sexier)
-Youre body and mind works so much better
-Youre healthier
-Buying clothes is so much more easier and fun
-Energy level goes throught the roof
-Self esteem

If you have decided to start a weightlifting/toning program,here are a some important points to ponder:
-Always see your doctor before starting a dieting or conditioning program.
-Seek the advice of a professional trainer for workout routines and proper form.
-Are you going to join a gym or set up youre own home gym?
-Dont forget to stretch before any physical activity. Stretching makes the muscles loose and pliable.

It seems kind of silly for someone to remind you to breathe, but you would be surprised. People tend to forget this and when they exercise they take these tiny little breaths. Anyway the debate rages on but I have found that the larger volume of air I get in and out, the better. So I breathe in through the mouth out and out through the mouth. I'm not saying this is the correct way all I'm saying is that's what I found works for me. For weight training,when you are in the lifting phase of the exercise, breath in,you should exhale on the lowering part of the movement. Like I said before, this is what works for me. Others feel that you should just breathe naturally throughout the exercise.

Frequency of Workouts
For best results you will want to train with weights 2 - 3 times per week for about 30 - 45 minutes, working on 2 or 3 different muscle groups for each workout. Once you can lift the same number of reps with relative ease, adjust your weights accordingly. Maybe keep a journal monitoring weights and reps.

Rest and Recuperation
Just a suggestion but as far as rest goes, one day on, one day off. Then take the weekend off.
And if your too sore or tired, stay home and recuperate. Especially in the beginning.

Lift and lower your weights slowly.
Don't use momentum to lift the weight. If you have to swing to get the weight up, your probably trying to lift too much weight.

Partner Up
Consider lifting with a friend. It helps keeping you motivated and eyerybody could use a spotter.

Basic Exercises
-Bench Press (chest)
-Chest Press (chest)
-Sit Ups (stomach)
-Shoulder Press (shoulder)
-Lat Pull downs (back)
-Tricep Press (arms)
-Bicep Curls (arms)
-Calf Raise (legs)
-Leg Curls (legs)
-Leg Extension (legs)
-Leg Press (legs)

Before starting your program, Seek the advice of a professional trainer for workout routines and proper form. This will lessen the chance of injury.

Once again, please see your Physician before starting any exercise routine. The information in this article is for information purposes only. The author cannot be held responsible if you dont seek the advice from your health care professional.

About the author:
Submitted By Mr Andy Casasanta. This author has devoted a portion of his life to health and well being for himself and others. All the subjects of his articles has effected his life in one way or another. Which has inspired him to create a tremendous health and pharmacy website. In this site you will find up to 40 health articles and growing and a 11000 reciprocal link exchange page. Save on all popular drugs such as Viagra, Lipitor, meridia, and hundreds more all for pennies on the dollar. Please visit:

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