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Here's Some Cellulite Products That Actually Work!

By Troy Boyd

The internet is chock full of information about body-beautiful products and cellulite products are definitely a hot item among them. 'Cellulite' is a popular term for deposits of fat that have a cottage cheese-like or puckered texture.

It's important to note that medically, cellulite is not considered abnormal. Even so, many people don't like the appearance of cellulite and would be happy to find a way to get rid of it.

As with any purchase, smart consumers do their research before deciding on a particular brand or product. Independent organizations such as 'E-Consumer' and 'Consumer Health Digest' provide reviews of products and services so that customers can make more informed buying decisions. Factors taken into consideration during the review are price, customer service, guarantee and return policy.

According to these analysts, a cellulite product called 'Avotone Bodysculpt' is the one consumers should consider. The reviewers find that it consists of high-quality ingredients and is very effective.

Significantly, the product is guaranteed to produce results in less than four weeks and comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. Avotone BodySculpt scored overall highest for quality, safety, success rate and customer satisfaction. The cost of this cellulite product is $69.95.

Another cellulite product highly regarded by the analysts is called 'Revitol Cellulite Solution'. It is less expensive at $39.95 and, compared to the first product, scores almost as high for quality, safety, success rate and just as high in the customer satisfaction category.

'Revitol Cellulite Solution' has a longer period of guarantee - 90 days - and a higher customer service rating than the first product.

Consumer Health Digest, another consumer review service, identifies the 3 top cellulite products as 'Extra Strength Lipo Sculpt Gel' created by Sterling Grant Laboratories, 'Ab Solution' by VyoTech and 'Transculpt' by MedaBiotics.

These products, made of ingredients such as caffeine, vitamins and green tea extract, are recommended as low-risk, effective cellulite removal or reduction treatments. Price-related information was not rated.

For more in-depth information about cellulite reduction, there is a new book out written by a doctor called 'The Cellulite Solution'. In it, Elisabeth Dancey looks at cellulite from a medical point of view, and offers recommendations to remove it.

Among other health-related topics, she explains why women are more prone to cellulite than men, the different kinds of cellulite and why even thin women have cellulite. Doctor Dancey provides advice including the proper combination of cellulite-fighting foods, exercises that target cellulite as well as aromatherapy, creams, and lotions.

It's no secret that doctors recommend eating a healthy diet and keeping muscles toned by regular exercise. However, research has led to the availability of products and treatments that can reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve skin tone.

While these need not be discounted, it must be noted that not all products are created equally! A little time spent reviewing the consumer research will help you make a decision with which you are more likely to be happy.


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