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Diabetes 101 what you need to know about

By Mansi gupta

One of the leading causes of death in the US is diabetes. It affects the way the body uses food after digestion, for growth and energy, known as metabolic disorder. If proper treatment and medication is not administered, at times aggressively, it can lead to fatal complications and can also be seriously disabling. However, proper treatment and preventive measures allow people with diabetes to lead a relatively healthy and normal life, in most cases.
Knowing Diabetes

Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose (a form of sugar in blood). Majority of the fuel in the body is supplied by glucose. Cells of our body use this glucose in the blood for growth and energy. However for glucose to get into cells, blood must have insulin contents. Pancreas (a large gland situated behind the stomach) produces this chemical known as insulin and which is the major factor in proper digestion and health. Under normal conditions, right after eating, the body produces the exact amount of insulin, to allow the body to process glucose properly. But in people with Diabetes, little or no amount of insulin is produced, or the cells don't respond properly to the insulin produced by the pancreas.

This situation leads to a built up of glucose in the blood stream. Glucose starts accumulating and overflowing into urine as it is produced. This leads to the loss of majority of the fuel resources of the body. Even with high glucose contents in the blood, it leads to no good as it cannot be used by the cells to produce energy.

Signs and symptoms of Diabetes vary, however doctor must be immediately contacted on coming across any of these symptoms. Diabetes is of varied types and all have different onset times, with varying symptoms thus it is important to keep a track of these symptoms and must be reported to the doctor. Like many other disease, better results can be sought with early detection of the disease. Generally it is classified into two types Type One and Type Two.

While type one is an auto immune disorder where the immune system turns against another part of the body. In this case the attack is on beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. This type of Diabetes is more common in children and young people though symptoms may occur at any age.

More common form of diabetes which accounts for almost 90% of the cases reported is the Type 2 diabetes; patients are generally older in age.Majorly in such cases the body fails to make an effective use of the insulin produced by the body. About 80% patients of the type two diabetes are overweight. Symptoms for both types are similar and include nausea, fatigue, weight loss, frequent urination, thirst, and blurred vision.

Patients diagnosed with diabetes can be ensured a better quality of life, with proper treatment and proper planning. The most basic part of the treatment for diabetes includes a healthy diet and exercise. Administration of oral drugs and insulin are other forms of treatment.

About the author:
Mansi gupta writes about. diabetes . Learn more at

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