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Acne - a nightmare!

By Luna Sol

Saturday night is coming and you are planning with your friends what to do during the weekend. You don't know if you go to the movies or if you go to that brand new dance club in that fancy neighbourhood. The thing is that all of you have plenty of things to study and because of that you decide to go to the movies. However, the cutest guy from the football team comes to you and asks you out. It is obvious you accept that invitation that you have been waiting for so long.

You and your friends spend the rest of the week planning this date. Everything seems to be ready and perfect. Saturday finally comes. You wake up happy and as soon as you got up and walk to the bathroom... Ahhhhhhhh! A big pimple is there! In the middle of your forehead! And you are not havig a nightmare: the pimple is really there.

Just who had been through something like this can describe the feeling. That's why learning about acne is so important. Keeping skin healthy can be the difference between being gorgeous on the date of your life or being noticed due to something on the forehead.

But acne doesn't have to be a nightmare. If everyone learns about this skin condition, many problematic stuff can be avoided. And every body will be able to live their dream life without worrying if a flare up will occur.

An important thing about acne is anxiety. It's not that you'll have acne everytime you get anxious, but this can increase the chances. Since acne is related to stress, it sounds common that it is also related to anxiety, which is a sort of stress manifestation.

Many are the option for someone to treat acne. However, nothing is more important than knowing how it develops and why are some people more affected than other. And it is not just a matter of poor higyene as many people think. Acne is far beyond that. In fact, hygiene does not play a major role when it comes to acne.

A healthy diet habits is another thing that should be taken into account. Some people say that "we are what we eat" and if it is true and since skin is considered to be the largest organ of human body, it is not impossible nor abnormal that a lack of nutrients can be noticed by a sign on the skin. This sign can be acne.

Squeezing your pimples is not the right way to get rid of that. In fact, when you squeeze you may help o spread the inflammation over the skin. It is not necessary to say that it can get worsen acne.

Besides all of these, some extra care are needed, some products have to be used in order to keep acne under control and to restablish the skin balance and health.

About the author:
I am not a dermatologist. I am just a person, just like you, who has acne. All I write here are results of reading and my own experience. That's why everyone can identify with the articles: because they're written by an ordinary girl to ordinary people.

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