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What you Need to Know about Cat Food

By Jay Moncliff

Cat Food Info #1 Cats Need Protein in their Cat Food
The cat food you feed to your cat should always be rich in protein. This generally should come from meat, poultry or fish. Many cat food brands advertise chicken, beef, and tuna flavored cat food because they know that cats need protein and cat owners are looking for quality cat food. However, you need to make sure the cat food you buy has a sufficient amount of cat food regardless of what flavor it is.

Cat Food Info #2 Cat Food with Taurine
Also check the cat food you typically buy for an amino acid called taurine. This particular amino acid is very important in the overall health of your cat, and your cat will eat as much food as it has to in order to supplement this particular amino acid. So, if you are buying cheap cat food that does not have the proper nutrients your cat will eat a lot. If you buy a nutrient rich cat food then your cat will eat little and save you more money while still getting proper nutrition.

Cat Food Info #3 Canned Cat Food or Dry Cat Food?
Many people do not know whether they should buy canned or dry cat food, or whether it even matters. Because of this, many people simply buy the cat food that is most affordable or convenient for them. This is actually a mistake. Cats should be fed a mixture of cat food. The dry cat food should be given for free feeding, especially if you are away on vacation or out for the day. Canned cat food should be supplemented at other times as well because it has water in the food and significantly more protein than the carbohydrate rich dry cat food. Not to mention the same food over and over might bore your cat and cause him to stop eating that cat food altogether.

Cat Food Info #4 Avoid Cat Food Fillers
Cats need to eat a cat food that is rich in protein, so make sure the amount of fillers is kept to a minimum. Carbohydrates are not essential for a cat’s existence, so don’t buy cat food that is full of them. Instead, read labels and buy cat food that is not filled with fillers and other byproducts.

About the author:
Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www.catfoodcenter.infoa blog focusing on the Cat Food, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on Cat Food. For more info on Cat Food visit:

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