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Seven Reasons to Take Acai

By Todd Levering

Acai (pronounced ah-sy-ee) is a berry grown mainly in South America that has a number of nutritional properties, and has even been known to prevent certain diseases. There are a number of reasons to take acai supplements or drink acai juice on a daily basis no matter what your health needs are; here are seven of the great qualities of acai juice that everyone should take advantage of.


Antocianine, one of the main substances in the acai berry, is high in antioxidants like Vitamins C and E and helps the body fight of free radicals in the environment. Harmful substances in the air like smog, cigarette smoke, and even the damaging effects of the sun can be significantly reduced by drinking acai juice.

While there are a number of other fruit juices that fight off antioxidants, none of them come close to acai juice. Acai berries are up to six times more potent than noni juice or mangosteen, so a daily intake of acai could protect you from contracting colds or the flu, as well as give your skin a healthy glow.


Acai has a significant amount of calcium, which can help prevent osteoporosis, especially in women. Calcium helps to strengthen the bones and prevent fractures, especially in the hip, spine, and wrist, and in addition with the right diet filled with other calcium-rich foods and Vitamin D, osteoporosis can also be effectively treated.

In addition to osteoporosis prevention, women with extreme menstrual pain can also benefit from acai juice. Calcium-rich foods tend to coat the lining of the stomach and uterus, and reduce the pain that comes from cramps and bloating.

Helping to develop healthy teeth and gums is also another characteristic of calcium. For a whiter smile and stronger teeth, as well as the prevention of gingivitis as well as other gum diseases, try adding a serving of acai juice or powder to your normal dental care routine.

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Acai berries can help to lower cholesterol levels due to their high fiber content. The high fiber in content can also help to prevent colon cancer, since the fiber in the acai berry helps to move substances through the digestive track and arteries. The berries contain Omega-3 fatty acids as well, another substance that lowers cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids can also improve the health of your skin because it improves circulation and increase the level of protein in the body.

Macro minerals

Macro minerals are necessary minerals that are found in both foods and supplements. Most people need high amounts of these minerals, so acai juice is one of the easiest ways to make sure that you get the necessary amount of macro minerals per day. Potassium, sulfur, magnesium and phosphorous are some of the main macro minerals that people don't get enough of. Sulfur can help to improve acne, magnesium can help women with menopausal complications, and potassium has been known to improve heart health.

Low glycemic index

Another benefit of acai is its low glycemic index. The glycemic index is the ranking of carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose or blood sugar levels. The quicker carbohydrates break down during digestion, the higher the glycemic index. Carbohydrates that breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have low glycemic index. Foods that are low in glycemic levels are slow to digest and be absorbed into the body's bloodstream and cause the body's blood sugar and insulin levels to rise slowly. Low glycemic Index diets have been shown to improve both glucose and lipid levels in diabetic individuals. They also have benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay hunger. Low glycemic levels can also help individuals who are trying to lose weight, since it keeps you fuller longer, and can even prolong physical strength and endurance.

Increased energy

Because of the acai berries ability to help fight off diseases and sicknesses due to its high level of antioxidants, a higher energy level can be attained by drinking acai juice every day. High antioxidant levels boost the immune system, and people have reported having boundless energy and endurance as a result of taking an acai supplement daily. This is also due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in acai, which can help to maintain a healthy diet by providing part of the daily allowance of certain vitamins. Acai juice constitutes a serving of fruit, so the more you consume, the more your body will be cleansed and able to run properly, and fatigue will be eliminated over time.

High celadrin levels

Even if you exercise regularly and eat well, you may still experience the effects of aging and constant physical activity. This can have an affect on your bones and organs over time, and acai berry can help to regulate your stress levels, and even to repair your body.

Celadrin, a natural anti-inflammatory compound of fatty acids that is derived from bovine tallow oil, has been known to promote healthy joint function by lubricating the membranes that cushions joints and bones. Glucosamine, a substance that works well with celadrin and is also found in acai, helps to build healthy cartilage in the body.

Once you decide to take acai on a regular basis, be sure to talk your doctor about your new diet choices to discuss ways to maximize the benefits of acai in your diet. Making certain improvements to your eating habits, exercising regularly, and taking certain prescribed medication as instructed can all help to make acai one of your best dietary choices.

About the author:
Todd Levering is the publisher of a website that provides no-nonsense information about the acai berry. To get more info about acai berry research and products that are made with the acai fruit, visit

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