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How Perfumes Make You Sexy

By Janice Wee

What attracts you to the opposite sex?

What makes a guy and a girl fall in love?

Is it the way they look?

Things they have in common?

A special connection?

Or is it the way they smell to each other?

Actually, the way you smell plays an important part in the mating game. It is true in the animal world. Like it or not, it is also true among people.

Ever heard about pheromones? Read for the details.

That is the secret of sexual attraction.

In the animal world, pheromones attract member the opposite sex irresistably when the animal is in heat. Think about the female cat who attracts male cats in droves, who fight over her when she is in heat.

Among insects, a starving cockroach on the verge of dying from hunger would rather follow the source of pheromones with the hope of mating, rather than go for the food that would save his life.

Humans are not spared from the effects of pheromones either. That fuzzy feeling a woman gets near the presence of her special guy could well be due to pheromones. Likewise, men are attracted to a woman, by her looks, her personality, and the pheromones she produces.

Everyone has a million apocrine glands whose sole function is to produce a smell. These only become active upon puberty. Upon sexual maturity. A sex scent, if you will.

Did you know that in certain parts of the world, during village dances, girls would hold slices of apple in their armpits while they dance. Then, they would offer the sweat soaked apples to the guys they fancy.

Perfumes as we know them were first used by Egyptians to embalm the dead bodies of mummies. Later, perfumes were used before sex. To get both parties in a more romantic mood.

Jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood, rose, ylang ylang and a number of other aromatherapy oils used in perfumery are known for their aphrodisiac properties.

I remember reading an amusing incident about a guy who used sandalwood as a sore throat remedy. It has an interesting side effect. It increased his libido significantly. That means sandalwood perfumes featured in do make you sexier.

Patchouli has a sweet, very strong, musky scent that is considered very sexy. On its own, it is the kind of scent you either love or hate, as it can be overpowering, but when blended into a perfume with other notes, it gives the perfume a sexier feel.

Ylang ylang has a strong, womanly scent. Ylang ylang can be overpowering but when used lightly or in blends, it is said to put one in a romantic mood. Ylang ylang perfumes like the ones from are ideal for that romantic night out.

Jasmine perfume you can get from has a very sensual fragrance. Jasmine essential oil itself exerts an effect on a female hormones. It is used in aromatherapy to balance hormones and to boost confidence. Jasmine is popular in perfumes as it has a strong erogenous effect on people.

Then there is musk which on its own, is a potent masculine scent. With other scents, it might be barely detectable yet it gives the perfume bouquet an air of mystery. Even the lightest, most flowery perfumes contain a trace of musk.

Perfumes are often used like pheromones, for that aphrodisiac effect. Look at all the perfume ads. They usually center around romance, or seduction.

Going a step further, perfumes, which you can get at also make you feel good about yourself. Many women buy perfumes for the sheer beauty of the fragrances. Perfumes can make you smell wonderful. They can make your shower a luxurious experience. You set out to face the world, knowing you smell simply fabulous and that gives you that confidence which is really sexy.

About the author:
The writer created help you find your ideal brand name perfume at bargain prices, easily.

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