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The Disadvantages of Home Schooling

By Allan Wilson

“Home Schooling – Look Before You Leap”

Are you considering home schooling your children? While you may have focused on the advantages of this form of education, take a moment to think about possible disadvantages of home schooling. Consider the demands of home schooling before you take the plunge.

Answer the following questions with “yes” or “no” to see where you stand on readiness to home school your children.

1.) I am available to stay home and commit many hours to not only instructing my child, but researching subject material, curriculums, and assessments.

2.) I have effective teaching skills and know how to guide my child through the learning process.

3.) I convey accurate subject material.

4.) I understand the academic needs and abilities of my child.

5.) I can provide activities for my child to participate in that work on their socialization skills.

6.) I fully believe in home schooling and hold responsibility for my child’s education.

If you answered “yes” to all these questions then you have tackled the major disadvantages of home schooling. These disadvantages vary in intensity based on individual circumstances, but can be overcome through local support groups and educational resources.

Expertise in each subject area and the art of teaching are among the biggest disadvantages in home schooling. Certified public school teachers take several courses on teaching methods, strategies, and learning disabilities. Heavy content area specific classes are taken as well.

In addition they must pass the Praxis examination and adhere to state standards before they can teach in the public school system. As a home school parent, you are not required to go through these rigorous courses and examinations. Therefore, you must be honest with your self and accurately assess your abilities.

Time is another factor. Although home schooling schedules are flexible, the academic work must be accomplished one way or another. It is up to you as the parent to keep the learning train running and productive.

Lastly, you will need to deal with people that view home schooling as a lesser form of education. You will need to stick by your choice and feel confident that you are doing what is best for your child.

About the author:
Home schooling can be extremely rewarding for some and an absolute nightmare for others. Should you home school? Before deciding read more free home schooling articles by visiting:

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