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MLM Home Based Business-2 Points Of View

By Jeff Schuman

Be your own boss! Set your own schedule. Retire Early! Who
doesn’t want that, right? Having your own MLM home based
business has been praised for allowing financial freedom; and
it’s been criticized for being a big scam. As with any business
venture, it’s buyer beware. Do your homework first. Both sides
agree; it takes work. If anyone tries to tell you that it’s easy
money, there’s so such thing. Also as with any new endeavor, you
will need to make an initial investment. It takes money to make
money. Below outlines two points of view. You be the judge.

Some of the comments in favor of multi level marketing include:
“Donald Trump was asked on the Tonight Show, if he had to start
all over from scratch what he would do - His answer...MLM." And
yet another satisfied participant, “It is a wonderful
combination of being your own boss and being mentored.

It has a support system built right in and usually pretty neat
products! I was involved with [company] for a while and the
people were fabulous, products were great and the system of
support was wonderful to have. I hear the same is true for many
network marketing direct sales companies! I think MLM companies
are great!”

Conversely, those who didn’t speak as highly include: “You only
make money when you have lots of people under you. You spend a
lot to stay in each month. I was required to spend more than I
needed or could afford each month, so I had to quit. Seems to me
the ones who do well are ones who can afford to really spend and
have contacts already who have money they can spend as well.

Then they in turn have contacts of their own that are the same.
A lot of MLM home based businesses out there say you can make $X
each month, but honestly there are few and far between who are
really doing it. They hook those who want to work at home and
need the money-only to lose them after they’re more broke than
they started.” Continued another disgruntled former MLMer,

“Unfortunately too many try to convince you that it is so easy.
If it were so easy, everyone would be doing it. I have been in
several different MLM businesses and have experienced constant
changes in the compensation plan. As we all know, the
compensation plan is what gets our attention.”

So there you have it, both sides of the coin. All would concur
that Multi-Level Marketing is not for everyone. But that’s why
there are so many different flavors of ice cream. There truly is
something for everyone.

All in all, the bottom line is there needs to be passion and
drive to make your business work, regardless if it is a MLM home
based business or more traditional sole proprietorship or
corporation. If money is your only motivator it will likely
fail. You need to believe in your product or service or you can
simply plan on failing.

Do your due diligence when researching various opportunities.

The key to any successful MLM business is recruiting. After
reading this book you will be able to explain what you do and
what you offer to a new prospect in 30 seconds or less.

About the author:
Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online
and make money websites available today. If you want to
make money check us out here:

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