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Satellite Aerial Photos!

By SilentOne

One important aspect in the management of the environment and its resources is establishing the spatial extent and the dynamics of changes in land cover and land use over time by using satellite aerial photos.

This paper proposes a methodology for monitoring land cover change in coastal zones, specifically coastal mangrove wetlands. Satellite aerial photos are a breakthrough in technology. The approach was inspired by the availability of aerial photographs at several epochs and their high spatial resolution and geometric stability.

The topographic features of coastal zones justify relaxing the rigorous and complicated procedure of photogrammetric orientation, while still achieving an adequate reliability and accuracy. The methodology developed in this paper is followed by a case study evaluating the
validity and applicability of this technique in assessing changes in coastal mangrove forests using satellite aerial photography.

Coastal zones are of great economic and social importance. About 25 percent of global primary productivity occurs in these areas, and around 60 percent of the human population lives there. Hence, changes of land use and land cover are most intense in coastal margins (Cracknell 1999).

The study reported here devotes special attention to coastal mangrove wetlands. Mangrove wetlands are evergreen forests located in the inter-tidal regions along the coastlines of tropical and subtropical

regions (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). Mangrove areas play a crucial ecological role in coastline stabilization and protection and act as a natural filtering system that prevents waste produced on the land from being deposited in the ocean. Furthermore, they are breeding sites and hosts of a variety offish and animal species of economic value to human beings.

The use of satellite photos and aerial photograghy has profund implications an many aspects of human life. The ability to see from a great distance is a great tool made available through the use of
satellite aerial photography.

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