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Cheap Long Distance for College Students

By Troy Sapp

As a parent, watching your child go off to college may be exciting and yet scary! Your new college student may also be happy to go off to school, but at the same time feel anxious to be leaving his family behind for the first time in his life.

One of the problems with living on campus is that students usually do not have a choice between long distance carriers. Most college dorms will not allow your child to pick a cheap long distance plan or any phone plan for that matter. But we do have some solutions for you that will allow you to get a cheap long distance so you can talk with your child as frequently as you like without fear of an expensive phone bill arriving at the end of the month!

Below you will find solutions for your long distance options that will save you money while also allowing you to talk to your child frequently without worry of a huge phone bill!

Phone Cards

Purchasing a calling card is a good choice for long distance and it offers a couple options as well. The two types of calling cards are – prepaid and postpaid. From parents point of view, prepaid is probably your best option. You can send your child a phone card with allotted time paid for in advance. That way you pay this fee only, should the card run out of minutes it won’t work again until you recharge it or buy another depending on the phone card you choose.

A postpaid card means you are billed on a monthly basis for all of the calls you made. As you can see, this may end up a problem at the end of the month when you get a larger bill then expected! To use a postpaid calling card you will be billed monthly through your debit card or credit card that you set up your account using.

Cellular Phone Plans

Cellular phones come in second to calling cards for convenience and allowing you to stay on budget! In this day and age there are many different phone companies and cheap long distance plans to choose from. With most cellular phone companies you can pick a service plan that has unlimited minutes and some even have a small extra fee should you go over your plan minutes that month.

Also, many cellular plans offer a “family talk plan” which means if you have the same service as your child your talk time is free within your plan and all other calls use your minutes. There are definitely many cellular plans available to you and most are affordable as well. You just need to take the time to research and find which one works for you. For more research and comparison visit Cheap Long Distance Carriers.

Toll Free Number

A personal toll free number is another option available to you. A toll free number is also known as an 800 or 888 phone number. If you are considering a toll free number be sure to ask if it is a stand alone service and if you are able to forward the 800 number to another phone line so you can answer it anywhere.

However, please note when choosing a toll free number again you are faced with the chance that you may receive a bill at the end of the month that is more expensive than expected. An 800 number usually has a minimum monthly fee and then you pay per minute of talk time but it will essentially depend on which company you go through for your toll free phone service.

And there you have it your top three choices for cheap long distance are calling cards - both postpaid and prepaid a cellular service plan or a toll free number. Be sure to do your research and find out which option is best for you and your family that will also allow you to stay within a budget with no surprises at the end of the month! Cheap long distance is just a reach away!

About the author:
Troy Sapp’s passion is writing articles and educating people. His various topics range from Dental Plans, T1, Dish Network,
Cheap Long Distance and Dish Network.

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