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Top 5 Secrets to Making Money with Adsense

By Frank Mamone

By Frank Mamone

Did someone tell you you can make money easily with Google Adsense? Did they tell you that to put up a site and people will click on the ads and you can make hundreds of dollars per day?
Maybe that's true, for them, because they have a system to make this happen. They may have omitted how to make and Adsense site successful. In this article I will highlight the most important points to make your site successful.

5. Position your ads so that they look as if they are part of the content.
Position your ads so that the ads are in the visitor's field of vision. Although, you might think that putting the ads in the right and left columns keep your site clean, the clickthrough is not as effective as putting them in between the content. Look at your newspapers classifieds. Notice how many of the ads are surrounded by the actual articles? Same concepts apply here. At the very least do some of both.

4. Don't make the ads look like Ads!
People get turned off by ads with borders. We are psychologically trained to think that anything surrounded with a border is probably an ad. Look at all the print media and all over the web, and you'll notice that most ads have borders that alert visitors that they are ads. This is NOT what You want to do!
Go in your Google Adsense Layout tool and change the border colors and backgrounds to match your website colors. This will make them look like they are part of your site not ads. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Removing borders will increase your clickthrough rate immediately!

3. Add a Google Search Box on your website.
Such a simple thing but often overlooked. Did you know that if your site visitors use your Google Search box you get credited with a click? People surf the web for one primary reason -- to find information. Your website provides information. However, it is rare that we find what we want on one website. And, if we want more info we tend to want to search for more. How convenient to have a Google Search box at the end of your article!

2. Provide good content.
You may be tempted to put little content on your site. After all you want people to click on the ads not stay on your site. This may have some truth in it, but think of it the other way. Having valueable content on your site means that your visitors are more likely to bookmark your site, and the search engines will like your site better.

1. And the NUMBER ONE secret to Making Money with Adsense....
Put up as many sites as possible! Yes, this is what is never told to you. Why invest all your energy trying to get traffic to one site? What if the topic you chose is not a very popular one or has so much competetion that you get little traffic? A well known strategy is to put up as many sites as possible and then monitor the results to see which ones work and which ones don't. With the ones that do, put in extra effort to get more traffic to those sites.
To do this without buying a domain name for each one, get an account at a web host that allows unlimited subdomains. When you register a name get something general for each theme. Then use subdomains to make all the related sites.

Finally, if designing web sites is not your strong point, you can get pre-built sites and/or templates which are already layed out with the techniques I described. That will get you up and running pretty quick. Take a look at
Much Success!

Frank Mamone is a professional web developer and has been in the Internet industry since 1994. Frank, has designed Internet and Intranet websites where he gained his expertise in dynamic and e-commerce websites. Frank now runs, a site dedicated to finding quality products for Internet Marketers.

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About the author:
Frank Mamone is a professional web developer producing websites for corporate and private clients since 1995.

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