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Easy Trail Mixes

By Deborah Shelton

Before you set off on your next family walk or outing, try making one of these super easy trail mixes to keep your energy up.

* Quick Fix Mix

2 cups mini pretzels
1 cup cheese snack crackers
1 cup honey roasted peanuts
1 cup raisins
Place all ingredients into a plastic baggie, seal, and then shake. Enjoy!

* Chocolate Popcorn Mix

2 cups spoon size shredded wheat cereal
2 cups popped popcorn
1 cup dried cranberries
3 Tbsp. milk chocolate chunks
Toss cereal and popcorn into a large bowl. Place the cranberries into a small bowl. Melt the chocolate as directed on the package, and stir. Pour the chocolate over the cranberries and mix lightly. Add the chocolate cranberries to the cereal mixture, and toss lightly. Spread the mix into a single layer on a large piece of wax paper. Let it cool completely before serving.

* Fruity Nut Mix

1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup dried banana chips
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 cup unsalted peanuts
1 cup dried fruit bits
Place all of the ingredients into a plastic baggie, seal, and then shake. Fast, easy and yummy!

About the author:
Deborah Shelton edits The Five Minute Parent email newsletter. For your free subscription, send a blank email to or visit

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