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Epilepsy: Ignore It and You're Dead

By Jenny Harker

I ignored my symptoms of epilepsy, and nearly killed
three people.

One morning I offered to drive my youngest brother and nephew to
the beach. I drove along Highway 246 with the boys in the back seat.

Next thing I knew I woke exhausted and confused strapped to a gurney
in an ambulance speeding toward a hospital.

I was later told I had a grand mal seizure. I had driven the car off
the road. The car nearly flipped over. No one was hurt but we dodged
a scary bullet.

Having that seizure helped to make sense of other odd past
experiences, waking up one morning to find my ankle cut to the bone
and blood on the glass edge of a nearby aquarium, moods of agitated confusion I often suffered while in high school.

I wasn't an idiot after all! I simply had a short in my electrical
wiring. I found solace in arrogant denial and chose to ignore the
disorder. Yes, even after the car accident. The accident caused
me to lose my license so what was the problem?

But then I went blind.

The petit mal seizure struck a few days after the car accident. While
in the shower I began to see a rainbow of colored lights swirling in
my vision. The colored lights grew along with pressure in my skull.

I couldn't see!

A strange terror overwhelmed me. I talked out loud while desperately
trying to ignore the fear. I pleaded with God to make it stop. It
seemed as if all the monsters in the world were after me.

Suddenly darkness swallowed the lights. The fear vanished. My sight
gradually returned. I found myself sitting on the floor of the shower
stall with my throbbing head in my arms. The pain stopped within
minutes. I felt fine, as if the seizure never happened.

I called a neurologist that day and bullied an appointment out of
the receptionist. I was later diagnosed as having temporal lobe

Now, in seventy percent of the population afflicted with epilepsy
the cause is unknown. The disorder often runs in families.

But it can also be caused by damage to the brain caused by head
injuries or brain diseases. Meningitis, for example, or a tumor.

Children who suffer an extreme fever can later develop epilepsy.
My fever ran at one hundred four degrees for two weeks, to give
you an example. I was fourteen years old. My neurons fried, baby.

I also have an uncanny knack for getting struck in the head
by moving objects, balls, bats, doors, even a seagull one time.
If the object is moving toward my head it will knock me out.

I'm the only person in my family with epilepsy. Connecting
the dots isn't hard.

But never fear! The majority of epilepsy cases can be controlled
with medication. Most epileptics can and do live a normal life as
if the disorder didn't exist.

I use the old standby drug Dilantin to control my seizures. I
haven't had a seizure in years. I work, drive a car, and do normal
every day things like any other person, but only because I'm on
medication to control my rebellious brain.

If you have any of the following symptoms of epilepsy then please
get to a doctor and tell him or her what you suspect:

1. You often wake feeling sore, exhausted, and disoriented (and
you know sex has nothing to do with it)

2. Your mind goes blank for several seconds and you stare blindly

3. Double-vision

4. Sudden behavior changes

5. Localized muscle spasm (my arm occasionally twitches)

6. Whole body muscle spasm

7. Twitches (Like I said)

8. Tics

9. Hallucinations

10. Changed hearing

11. Smell sensations (Occasionally my tea smells like fish oil)

I don't have enough room to list all the symptoms. Epilepsy is
a complex disorder with symptoms that can change as easily as a
woman changes her mind.

But if you have been diagnosed with epilepsy you can't ignore
it. The beast will grab you sooner or later. You won't see it coming
till after you wake up on the floor and see people staring down at
you in fear.

Or after you wake in an ambulance and find yourself strapped to a
gurney as I did after the car accident. I'll never forget the
frightened look on the paramedic's face.

My nephew, who had a cold before the car accident, jokes my 'shock
treatment' helped to rid him of his cold. I can laugh because I can't
remember the accident. I'm grateful he's able to make a joke about it.

I nearly silenced him forever.

About the author:
Jenny Harker is an experienced writer, gardener, and far too
experienced epileptic.
Copyright Jenny Harker, 2005

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