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Save Money On Gas

By Joseph Garrio

I'm the owner of an auction website and work full time in a blue collar job, so what makes me an expert in gas saving tips? For the past 12 years I've been driving an average of 30,000 miles a year. That's a lot of money spent on gas and whatever amount can be saved definitely adds up over time.

The biggest way to save on gas is to consider a change in your daily driver. I recently traded in my V6 Honda Accord for a 4 cylinder Civic. This one change alone saves me approxiately $55 a month in gas and at the same time lowered my monthly car payment $64. Combined that is a savings of $119 a month. I also have the advantage of starting with a brand new car again and no maintance fees for another 2 years.

When traveling along your daily route observe the price per gallon at the different stations. Many people don't shop around and you would be surprised how much the prices flucuate from one station to another. My daily commute takes me through two different states, one state being much lower in price due to lower taxes on gasoline. Plan your fuel fillups so you can fillup everytime at the lowest prices.

Two words, car pool. This will be a huge savings. Check around at work and see who lives in your area. If there isn't anyone
you can post messages in the local supermarkets, churches, etc and seek out others who commute to the same area that you do. In addition to the huge savings in reduced fuel usage you will save a ton of miles on your car. Another plus would be if you travel through tolls. Not only will you pay half the time, but when you do pay, you will pay at a reduced toll rate
because of your car pool.

Your driving habits make a difference in your mpg's. Try to leave 5 minutes earlier and stay as close to the speed limit as
possible. Slowing down will add miles to your tank and make your journey a safer one. On long, level steady roads turn on your cruise control. This "luxury" contraption will keep your car engine at a steady pace, taking away the flucuations in speed, improving your gas mileage.

I know these tips if followed will increase your mileage and lower your fuel costs. They do for me no matter what the gas price is. Drive safe and always wear your seatbelt!

About the author:
About the Author: Joseph Garrio works in law enforcement and owns his own auction website where you can buy or sell items
from your home. Visit it at

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