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This year Be thankful for being single

By Andrew Clacy

When you're single - count your blessings this year… it’s not so bad being single after all… Too many Americans hang their happiness on being in a relationship. We all know that being in a bad relationship can kill your self-esteem. So why do we beat ourselves up for being single??
Being single gives us hope, gives us ‘brightness of the future,” you never know what’s around the corner. Being thankful, also reminds us that we should always live in the present moment. We cannot change our past, what’s done is done!!! Nor can we rely on our future, we are not guaranteed anything. What we can do is enjoy each moment we have now.
All year round we should practice having an attitude of gratitude. When we turn our thoughts to thankfulness, we automatically project a warmer nature about us… When this happens, you can expect a lot more attention from the opposite sex… It’s laws of nature – you give –you get. So try giving your life & surroundings a fresh coat of Thankful-ness. Count your blessings NOW!!!
What are the things about you that you are most happy with? Think about this every day & witness the miracles that can come into your life. Below is a single’s thankful list, try & live an attitude of gratitude…
· Be thankful for everyone in your life, everyone is a teacher.
· Be thankful for the lessons you have learned from past relationships & learn from them now.
· Ring a relation to tell them you love them.
· Include the un-included.
· Write a note of thanks to someone.
· Be thankful for the “little” things in life.
· Drop all criticisms & be thankful to yourself.
· Be thankful you have an opportunity to start a relationship with someone new.
· Be thankful you are not in a negative relationship. It is much better to be single than in an unhappy relationship.
· Think about all the good you have learnt about yourself since you have been single.
In short, be thankful in all that you are doing. Just remember the greatest risk in life is not to take any risk at all!! . Most of all, though, have fun and good luck in pursuing your romantic endeavors.
All the best, Andrew Clacy

About the author:
Andrew Clacy is the owner of
which is a premier resource for Dating information.
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