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Make Arizona Your Next Vacation and Discover a Cool Desert

By David Arnold Livingston

If you're looking for an adventure to last you a lifetime of memories, Arizona is a place for just that. From roughing it to living the life VIP-style, Arizona is a place of endless possibilities, and once you start exploring this lovely state, you'll instantly realize that Arizona is more than just the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam. There are definitely other interesting sights to see and things to do.

Arizona is representative of the desert, what with so many people connecting the name to the Grand Canyon, the most famous natural attraction in the United States. There's also the Canyon de Chelly which has walls that reach up to 1000 feet. Portions of the cliff are covered with ancient pictographs. Canyon de Chelly is where the Pueblo built their homes many years ago and is still inhabited by the Navajo indians today.

Just as Arizona has many bustling cities representative of urban life and development, this state has many insights into history to offer you. There are several museums in Arizona, such as the Navajo Nation museum (for more on the life and times of the Navajo people), the Arizona Historical Society Museum, Fort Yuma Quechan Indian Museum, and the Heard Museum, just to name a few. Arizona is definitely an educational powerhouse to visit.

Another famous attraction in Arizona is the Petrified forest. It features stone log fragments scattered across the Arizona desert, displaying unusually bright colours.

One of the many sights in Arizona is a meteor crater large enough to fit twenty football fields and is 600 feet deep. It crashed to the earth some 49,000 years ago and is said to be the best-preserved crater on earth. Tours are held every hour on the hour.

In Arizona you can get a feel of how the wild, wild west was truly like. Whiskey Row or Cortez St. in Prescott was once known for its rough saloons and pleasure houses, though it is now a more subdued area. Or visit the ghost town Jerome which from a population of 15,000 has shrunk down to 100. Jerome was once a popular copper camp. Though there's not much action to be found in a ghost town, a visit to Jerome will definitely be an interesting history lesson with plenty of beautiful sights.

It's not all sun and sand and cacti in Arizona. While it is a desert state, Arizona is also one popular skiing destination to many people. A popular haunt would be Sunrise Park Resort, the most packed resort in all of Arizona's White Mountains, covered with nothing but fine, powdery snow. There is also the Arizona snowbowl, which, while filled with anxious skiiers in the winter, is a place where you can get breathtaking views of just a small area of Arizona equaling 70 miles.

Arizona is also a biological sanctuary, a place to visit and marvel at the diverse flaura and fauna of life. While there, head on down to the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona's sanctuary for various creatures. Many people just come here for watching birds and their lovely plumes. Then there's the Biosphere 2, located just north of Oro Valley in Southern Arizona. It is an engineering wonder being one of the largest living laboratories in the world. It's an airtight greenhouse with an expanse of over three acres, being used by researchers to discover more on the earth's ecosystem.

Arizona is not just a spot rich in heritage, natural resources, and wonders. There are many things that make it a familiar word to many but its real treasures are the ones you take home after an exciting adventure, the memories and the experiences. So why don't you book your next trip in Arizona. And discover it for yourself.

About the author:
David Arnold Livingston loves to vacation in Arizona. For a great resource, visit:

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