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Informative Articles

Cell Phone Batteries, Life Expectancy

By Brady Middleton

There are literally hundreds of different cell phone models and pricing plans to consider when purchasing a new cell phone. Most people carry a cell phone so they can do business out of the office and so there family will be able to reach them when they are away from home. If you don’t have a dependable cell phone with a long lasting battery, having a cell phone will be useless. Below we have shared some tips to getting the most life out of your cell phone battery:

Life of your Cell Phone Batteries:

With proper care, your cell phone battery can last between 300 to 400 charge and discharge cycles. If you charge your phone each night, you can expect that your batteries will last between 11-14 months. People who recharge their batter every 2-3 days may be able to use a battery for two years or more.

Getting the most out of your Cell Phone Batteries:

To extend the life of your cell phone batteries, be sure to follow all of the manufacturers charging instructions when first purchasing your phone and giving your cell phone its first full charge.

Taking care of your Cell Phone Batteries:

It is not a good idea to leave your cell phone in your vehicle on days when it is either extremely hot or extremely cold. If you do need to leave your phone in your vehicle under extreme temps, make sure to turn your cell phone off. Do not leave your cell phone plugged into the car charger continuously because every time your vehicle is started equals a “charge cycle”. This is one of common reasons for short cell phone battery life. Should your phone become completely discharged, be sure to recharge your cell phone as soon as possible. Try to avoid leaving a battery unused for long extensions of time (two months or more). If your cell phone battery goes to long without a charge, it may not be able to recharge when needed.

Following these few tips will help extend the life of your cell phone batteries to assure that your cell phone will be accessible when you most need it. If you are like me, that means all of the time! It is hard to remember a time before cell phones!

About the author:
Brady Middelton writes articles in the telecommuniations field. He specializes in cell phones and cell phone batteries. Be sure to read his articles about cell phone batteries and their usage!

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