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Informative Articles

Brand New RSS Tool

By Trina L.C. Schiller

Introducing DeskView
By Trina L.C. Schiller

Quikonnex has just released its newest in RSS creations! Being a Quikonnex publisher, I would like to be the first to introduce it to you. It is called DeskView, and there is nothing else like it on the Internet!

What is DeskView? Well, it is a desktop application that will allow you, the user, to have direct access to The Trii-Zine ( and other RSS feeds) without having to even open a browser. It is a news portal/ mini-browser. (NOT A TOOLBAR) You simply download DeskView and save it to your desktop. Then, when you want to know what's new news, you click the icon to open it, log in, and presto! you've got news! There is absolutely no adware, spyware... just information you subscribe to.

What can it do? Get ready to be wowed!

Save all your personal bookmarks to your favorite feeds and web pages
Send and receive private personal messages with QMTP
Receive instant notification of news updates
Communicate with your publisher (me!)
Learn more about RSS through direct access to Quikonnex forums and the video library
Just to name a few...

Trii-Zine subscribers who have QuikView and download DeskView, will still have access to everything they've saved inside their existing QuikView. The two programs work in tandem, and you can access QuikView from within the DeskView application. How's that for easy?

The DeskView can be minimized to your system tray, and will generate a small pop up alert in the bottom corner of your screen, whever there is updated information to be read, or you have received a new personal message. How's that for handy?

All Quikonnex publishers will have the ability to provide this awesome tool to their subscribers, not just the Trii-Zine. And, you can subscribe to any Quikonnex publisher's channel through a single DeskView. All you have to do is click the tab for the channel directory and all Quikonnex publications will be displayed for your choosing.

If for some reason you should decide not to want to continue your Trii-Zine subscription, although we certainly hope that's never the case, you simply delete the application from your desktop. You have total control! (Which is as it should be in the first place.)

There is no other RSS or blogging system that has what Quikonnex has... DeskView! The folks at Quikonnex a light years ahead of everyone else when it comes to this technology. All others are just dabbling in it. No one else can offer the tools that Quikonnex can, because Quikonnex builds the programs from scratch, they don't import them from another source. Jim Gray and Carolyn Peltier are innovators in Internet communications (without email). Shoot! If they ever publically trade stock... I'm buying all the shares I can get my hands on!

Bill Gates has even seen the benefits of RSS in communications. Microsoft is planning a new operating system that will integrate RSS. Ol' Billy never misses a trick. Too bad for him that he doesn't have Jim and Carolyn on his payroll. However, that's a good thing for us! Quikonnex membership is free, and you know Billy will ask top dollar for his system.

I've looked a a great many RSS/ blogging products and services out there, and none of them can touch what Quikonnex offers. Not a single one!

Tell ya what... Get your Trii-Zine DeskView, and use it; tell me if I am wrong. You can reach me directly through DeskView. Free Download Here

Copyright © 2005
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the author:
Trina L.C. Schiller is a professional network marketer, the publisher of the Internet marketing ezine, "Trii-Zine" and owner of TLC Promotions, as well as a founding publisher at, and President of, the Internet's first syndicated advertising agency.
She has also authored the following ebooks:

"Your Beginner's Guide To Syndication"

RSS, Blogs and Syndication... The Facts vs The guruese"

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