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A Few Simple Things You Must Do If You Want To Be Wealthy

By Saleem Rana

Making money is easy when you move to cause rather than living
out effects.

Let me draw a simple analogy to clarify my point.

Imagine standing before a huge waterfall. You’re thirsty and
the water is fresh, clean, and pure. You can take as much as you

How much can you take home with you?

It all depends on the size of your container.

You can take a thimble, a small cup, a gallon bucket, a
barrel, or even a tank truck.

Similarly, the amount of money in the world
is like this fountain of abundance. Trillions of dollars
circulate around the world. The fountain is abundant.

Some people can hold billions, others millions, others
hundreds of thousands, others tens of thousands, others
thousands, others hundreds, and yet others only a pocketful.

These things are actually only the effects.

Effect is what you see in the visible world. They are the
results of a wealth building strategy that worked.

What, however, are the causes? How are people able to build
wealth in the first place?

Cause is what happens in the invisible world before the
effect becomes apparent in the world of the senses.

The cause of money is thought, and the amount of money in your life is based on only one
thing: the size of your thinking. This is the most fundamental
wealth knowledge you need to change your destiny.

If you’re a small thinker, you go to the fountain of
abundance with a small container. It may be a tin can to hold
enough change to keep you alive. It may be a bucket that gives
you enough to survive in some comfort…but not enough to be

If, on the other hand, you’re a big thinker, you go to the
fountain of abundance driving your tank truck and you live
really well, with all the necessities of life easily taken care
of for your generation and maybe one or two generations after
you. You’re even in a place to share wealth. You’re a master
at some wealth building system.

Then, of course, there are the really big thinkers. They
don’t just have a tank truck--they have a whole fleet of tank
trucks lining up before the fountain of abundance. They can, if
they choose, buy small islands.

Your thinking decides the size of the container you use to earn

How do you expand your thinking to be bigger?

The first thing you do is use your imagination. If you
simply practice learning how to think in bigger and bigger
amounts, you’ll find a better size to hold the abundance that
you want to have in your life.

The next thing you’ll want to expand is the size of your heart.
The more you can give of value and the larger the amount of
people that you can serve, the more money that you’ll make.

This is why the higher up you are in an organization, the more
people you serve, and, consequently, the higher your salary.

But, of course, an even better way to make money is to work for
yourself. When you work for yourself, then your pool of people
is almost unlimited. The greater the benefit that you offer
others, the more people you will find to accept that offer.

Finally, when your imagination and your heart have been
stretched enough, you’ll begin to seek ways to acquire knowledge
of your field and before you know it you'll be a highly-paid expert.

The amount of money in the world is like this fountain.
Trillions of dollars float around the planet. Creating wealth
is a skill that many people and nations have learned.

It is my sincere hope that I have given you some valuable ideas
to mull over. When you consider how much better your life will
be when you are in charge, you may want to look even deeper into
how you can expand your imagination, your generosity, and your
knowledge of your industry or profession.

About the author:
Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life. Free information.
Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this
article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or
newsletter. It's a shareware article.

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